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While playing 0.63 after a while my character suddenly died after the health button went from orange to red. I was not bleeding, as i had bandaged to see if that was the case. My hunger and thirst were fine and so was everything else.
While playing 0.63 Offline my character suddenly died after the health button went from yellow, to orange, and then to red very quickly. At this time I had played for an hour or so and ran to NWAF. I was not bleeding, as i had bandaged to see if that was the case. My hunger and thirst were fine and so was everything else.
While playing 0.
63 after a while
63 Offline
my character suddenly died after the health button went from
yellow, to
e to red
e, and then to red very quickly. At this time I had played for an hour or so and ran to NWAF
. I was not bleeding, as i had bandaged to see if that was the case. My hunger and thirst were fine and so was everything else.