On Game Master servers it is especially daunting to handle the task of briefing.
At the start of an operation the GM or a delegate can broadcast a briefing orally over platoon frequency so all players can understand the situation.
Unfortunately there are many ways for this to go wrong:
- The GM's radio communications is not clear or too soft, resulting in many players not understanding the general idea of the briefing or are missing key details
- Player audio is too saturated with other voice and radio communications to understand the GM
- New players join in the middle of or after the GM's oral briefing, requiring the GM or their delegates to repeat the briefing multiple times
- The GM doesn't know what kind of information should be in the briefing, and leaves key information out, leaving players scrambling to fill the gap and creating fragmentation
The request is to add a new tab called 'Mission Information' under the in-game Player menu, which will contain text information editable by the GM(s). It will consist of 5 sections (like Notes in ArmA 2 and 3):
- Briefing
- Situation
- Mission
- Execution
- Support
For the GM each section will comprise of an editable text box, with each box providing a brief explanation and good example of content when empty.
Web documentation should be created for this feature and promotional videos featuring people filling in the information should be uploaded.
The desired effect is that all players have the same baseline expectation to follow upon joining a GM server running an operation, saving GMs from having to repeat their briefings and saving player frustration from an incomplete briefing or not understanding it.