prob 1)
- take a weapon in your hand with a magazine/clip inside who need to be reloaded.
- have a filled magazine/clip for your weapon in your inventory.
- full all your empty slot. (all container who can receive a magazine/clip too.)
- reload your weapon and see your used/empty magazine/clip on the ground.
(need to put the magazine/clip in the slot emptied by the load of the other magazine/clip.)
prob 2)
- take a weapon in your hand with a magazine/clip inside who need to be reloaded.
(the weapon need to take some of your inventory slot[like handgun] and assigned to a shortcut key number)
- have a filled magazine/clip for your weapon in your inventory.
- full all your empty slot above from where come your weapon.(all container who can receive a magazine/clip too.)
- full most slot under from where come your weapon for prevent place for you weapon.
- reload your weapon.
- put your weapon back in your inventory by pressing is shortcut key number.
- see your weapon on the ground.
(no place anymore for your weapon, need to reorder your slot.)