- Spawn any tank with full crew + you inside it, in the editor, behind a visual obstacle for tank's commander
- Spawn some enemy AI infatry on the other side of the visual obstacle
- As commander, shoot all the commander gun ammo empty, while behind visual obstacle (vs. enemy AI infantry)
- Change from commander seat to gunner seat and AI gunner to commander seat respectively, while still behind visual obstacle (vs. enemy AI infantry)
- Check targets list via "2" to make sure there are no enemy targets in the list and shoot as gunner 7.62 mm coaxial machinegun to see it work no problems, while still behind visual obstacle (vs. enemy AI infantry) + 0 ammo for AI commander
- Order to AI driver to roll out of the visual cover (vs. enemy AI infantry) while staying yourself on gunner's seat with 7.62 coaxial machinegun selected + 0 ammo for AI commander
- Observe in the video attached, starting from 00:33, that while you're as player on gunner's seat with coaxial 7.62 mm machinegun selected, coaxial 7.62 mm machinegun starts reloading, once you AI commander detects enemy AI infantry, even before you as gunner start shoot 7.62 coaxial machinegun.
Unnecessary gunner 7.62 mm coaxial machinegun reloading continues after each bullet fired, **as long as there are still enemy AI infantry left/alive.**
**Once there is 0 enemy infatry left/alive, you as gunner can again shoot 7.62 mm coaxial machinegun normally, without unecessary reloading after each bullet fired, despite AI commander that still has 0 ammo.**