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- turn on AFM - place a helicopter somewhere on a taxi way - start taxiing - make a turn with your pedals (being on feedback tracker I can say that there is no turning wheel animation) - there will be a sound of structure stress, which is pretty weird for a modern helicopter meant to be able to perform taxiing
- turn on AFM - place a helicopter somewhere on a taxi way - start taxiing (turn off the brakes and rise collective a bit) - make a turn with your pedals (being on feedback tracker I can say that there is no turning wheel animation) - there will be a sound of structure stress, which is pretty weird for a modern helicopter meant to be able to perform taxiing
- turn on AFM - place a helicopter somewhere on a taxi way - start taxiing
(turn off the brakes and rise collective a bit)
- make a turn with your pedals (being on feedback tracker I can say that there is no turning wheel animation) - there will be a sound of structure stress, which is pretty weird for a modern helicopter meant to be able to perform taxiing