Arma experiences a seg fault when deleting a key from a hashmap, with value of another hashmap, that hash has a control in the nested hashmap. Weird right.
* "key" - nestedHashmap
* ["_price", _price];
* ["_control", _itemControlsGroup];
* ["_controlAmount", _amountText];
* ["_controlCost", _totalCost];
Deleting this key doesn't cause a crash out right by making a reference A3A_shoppingCart seems to crash arma after deleting that key.
if(_className in A3A_shoppingCart) exitWith
private _map = A3A_shoppingCart get _className;
private _amount = _map getOrDefault ["_amount", 0];
_amount = _amount + _amountAdd;
// delete the item from the cart
if(_amount <= 0) exitWith {
_itemControlsGroup = _map getOrDefault ["_control", -1];
A3A_shoppingCart deleteAt _className;
ctrlDelete _itemControlsGroup;
call A3A_fnc_updateCartNumber;
private _amountText = _map getOrDefault ["_controlAmount", -1];
_amountText ctrlSetStructuredText parseText (format ["<t size='0.65' align='left' valign='middle' align='center' shadow='2'>%1</t>", _amount]);
_amountText ctrlCommit 0;
private _totalCost = _map getOrDefault ["_controlCost", -1];
private _weaponPrice = _map getOrDefault ["_price", -1];
_totalCost ctrlSetStructuredText parseText (format ["<t size='0.65' align='left' valign='middle' color='#085F16' shadow='2'>€ %1</t>", _weaponPrice * _amount]);
_totalCost ctrlCommit 0;
_map set ["_amount", _amount];
A3A_shoppingCart set [_className, _map];
calling A3A_fnc_updateCartNumber which makes reference to A3A_shoppingCart, crashes arma everytime.
**** A3A_fnc_updateCartNumber
#include "..\..\dialogues\"
#include "..\..\script_component.hpp"
#include "\x\A3A\addons\GUI\dialogues\defines.hpp"
private _display = findDisplay A3A_IDD_GUN_SHOP;
private _control = _display displayCtrl A3A_IDC_GUN_SHOP_CART_NUMBER;
private _count = count A3A_shoppingCart;
_control ctrlSetText format ["%1", _count];
_control ctrlSetFade 0;
_control ctrlCommit 0;
if !(ctrlShown _control) then {_control ctrlShow true};