0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,[],[[]]] }; [""] call EP;};
// RESULT = [];
throws error:
Error Type String, expected Array
0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,5,[5]] }; [""] call EP;};
// RESULT = 5
throws error:
Error Type String, expected Number
0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,5,[5]] }; [] call EP;};
// RESULT = 5
No Error
0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,5,[5]] }; call EP;};
// RESULT = 0
No Error - looks like _this from spawn was passed to the EP function hence the 0 result.
0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,[],[[]]] }; [[2]] call EP;};
// RESULT = [2]
No Error as expected
0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,"",[""]] }; [[2]] call EP;};
// RESULT = ""
Error Type Array, expected String
0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,"",[""]] }; [] call EP;};
// RESULT = ""
No Error
0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,"",[""]] }; call EP;};
// RESULT = ""
Error Type Number, expected String
0 spawn {EP = {RESULT = _this param [0,"",[""]] }; [5] call EP;};
// RESULT = ""
Error Type Number, expected String