- get a friend to help
- give him all the loot he can cary
- get a gun (preferably) - may work with axe or other object but haven't tryed
- go into 1st person view, punch him in the head untill is unconcious
- the moment he comes back to "life" (when he gets up) he has to exit
- take gun into hands, aim for head
- you see him stand down (F3) and then stand up (default logout actions)
- when he is up again, count to 2 and shoot him in the head (shoot to kill) preferably head so not to ruin gear
- after a few seconds ~30 his weapons will drop and he can log back in
- loot the dead body
- friend will spawn back in between 30 sec to 3 min ALIVE and with all his loot still in his possesion
- repeat untill satisfied or untill you gear up an entire army