I picked 2 buldings at the NWA.
I shot picture 2 and left the server.
After 30 minutes I was connecting back and cleaned the building on the left (picture 1) and dropped some stuff like a sks and a smersh backback and some helmets behind the building.
In the other building I found several items: 2 pilot helmets, 3 berets, 1 tanker helmet, 1 boat cap and 1 pistol flashlight (pictures 3, 4, 5)
I switched some items to berets (Picture 6)
Left the server for about 30 minutes again.
Now on my 3. visit there was new items spawned on the left building.
The items behind the building was cleand up (intentional?).
And the interesting part was happening in the building on the right:
- new items was spawning right when I was arriving
- 3 items I had not touched was still there
- 2 items was not cleaned up which I had dropped (dropped berets are on the ground, spawned berets are under the floor)
- in total there was 5 berets, 2 pilot helmets, 1 SVD mag, 1 boat cap, 1 mp-133 shotgun in this bulding (2 more items than expected)
I cant attach another file so here is an imgur link of picture 7. Compare it with picture 6.
The arrows are pointing at the dropped items which are not cleaned up in this moment!
My dropped berets was still there after an hour on my 4th visit.
3 hours later 5. visit: The SVD mag is gone and an AK-47 is spawned under the pilot hellmet. My berets are still on the floor. http://imgur.com/iogY5H0