The following bugs are extremely annoying, especially to composition makers:
Character passing through objects:
Infinite falling:
The Enhanced Movement mod fixes these bugs simply by spawning a helper object with only a roadway lod, and placing it above the Geom LOD:
_ins = lineIntersectsSurfaces [
player modelToWorldWorld [0, 0, 1],
player modelToWorldWorld [0, 0, -0.2],
(_ins select 0) params ["_pos", "_normal"];
_helper setPosASL _pos;
_helper setVectorUp _normal;
This can be done by the engine in a faster way with much less performance impact (e.g. probably no need to do a quadtree update that setPosASL does).
The helper object is only a small square surface in the Roadway LOD, which is extremely easy to make: