`HandleDamage` event handler on units fires at shooter client for overall and `HitHead` damage for unrelated reasons: Overall damage call (hit_index = -1) is used to calculate bleeding and `HitHead` is used for something else I couldn't figure out. This weird `HitHead` event also gets *added* damage compared to *final* damage in all other event fires. Even more, it is called before `HitPart` which is also local to shooter. Here is RPT output from a test mission I made for this ticket:
21:39:25 ---------------------------------------------------------
21:39:25 "Frame 5641101: [[[ 2 ]]], HandleDamageVehicle: B_Soldier_F"
21:39:25 ["B Alpha 1-1:2 (B_Soldier_F)","head",0.1,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","B_65x39_Caseless",2,"<NULL-object> ()","hithead",true]
21:39:25 "getBleedingRemaining _unit = 0"
21:39:25 ---------------------------------------------------------
21:39:25 "Frame 5641101: [[[ -1 ]]], HandleDamageVehicle: B_Soldier_F"
21:39:25 ["B Alpha 1-1:2 (B_Soldier_F)","",0.302144,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","B_65x39_Caseless",-1,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","",true]
21:39:25 "getBleedingRemaining _unit = 0"
21:39:25 #########################################################
21:39:25 "Frame 5641102: HitPart: B_Soldier_F"
21:39:25 ["B Alpha 1-1:2 (B_Soldier_F)","B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","10: tracer_red.p3d (B_65x39_Caseless)",[3536.04,7572.88,5.33965],[-28.0875,775.292,-182.54],["rightleg","hit_rightleg","hit_legs"],[10,0,0,0,"B_65x39_Caseless"],[-0.743263,-0.534084,0.402883],0.137528,"a3\data_f\penetration\meat.bisurf",true]
21:39:25 ---------------------------------------------------------
21:39:25 "Frame 5641102: [[[ -1 ]]], HandleDamageVehicle: B_Soldier_F"
21:39:25 ["B Alpha 1-1:2 (B_Soldier_F)","",0.402144,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","B_65x39_Caseless",-1,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","",true]
21:39:25 "getBleedingRemaining _unit = 24.084"
21:39:25 ---------------------------------------------------------
21:39:25 "Frame 5641102: [[[ 10 ]]], HandleDamageVehicle: B_Soldier_F"
21:39:25 ["B Alpha 1-1:2 (B_Soldier_F)","legs",0.589212,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","B_65x39_Caseless",10,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","hitlegs",true]
21:39:25 "getBleedingRemaining _unit = 24.084"
21:39:25 ---------------------------------------------------------
21:39:25 "Frame 5641102: [[[ 11 ]]], HandleDamageVehicle: B_Soldier_F"
21:39:25 ["B Alpha 1-1:2 (B_Soldier_F)","body",0.100001,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","B_65x39_Caseless",11,"B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sa-Matra) (B_Soldier_F)","incapacitated",true]
21:39:25 "getBleedingRemaining _unit = 24.084"
Test unit starts with `setDamage 0.1`, [[[ -1 ]]] highlight EH's hit index for easier reading. Notice that first overall damage fire had `0.302144` as damage argument, while in the next frame same hit part has `0.402144` (0.1 original + 0.302144 added). It seems that return number of this EH affects how much bleeding will be added to unit, no matter what you return, this isn't actual damage but just a number for bleeding
There is also second weird EH fire for `HitHead` [[[ 2 ]]] which doesn't actually set head damage, BUT will kill unit if returned value is >=1.01 (1 won't kill for some reason). I have no idea what this is for. It also doesn't provide projectile instigator.
The issue with bleeding is that it is applied only at shooter side, target side never ends up getting any bleeding. I also tested it in Alpha 0.50 and its there in same exact state, this whole system is ancient and not MP-compatible.