The following happend on stable branch (0.60.133861):
I found an Offraod at Zub Castle, fixed it up and used it for an hour or so without any problems.
Then I drove towards Stary Sobor to join a friend of mine. There, I found another Offraod at the parking lot. I took that second and hid it in a bush (as I was driving away from my first car, I experienced the "bubble lag"). Once hidden, I walked back to my first car where my friend was waiting for me.
Desync problems began at that moment:
* **for me**: I was driving towards Kabanino when suddenly all the parts (including doors, hood, truck door) on my car vanished. I had only two wheels left. When I got out of the car, I got teleported back where I last entered the car. (I checked if I was receiving from the server by opening a door from an house and I could no problem)
* **for him**: The car didn't move the all time (it was still at Stary).
* **for me**: I ran back to Kabanino. My car was there with only two wheels on. After relogging, my car was not at Kabanino anymore, so I decided to head back to Stary to check if it was there.
* **for him**: In the meantime, my friend tried to drive the car from Stary to Kabanino. He saw me on the way but I couldn't see either him or the car. When he got out of the car, he got teleported back at Stary (where he entered the car).
* **for me**: Once at Stary, I found out that the car was still at its initial place (Stary). I saw my friend sitting in the driver seat then I went to passenger seat.
* **for him**: My friend was actually in the driver seat, but the car was for him hundreds of meters further towards Kabanino.
* **for me**: At that moment (because DayZ :) ) a dude poped up and killed me.
* **for him**: Then he shot at my friend and put him unconscious even thought my friend was hundreds of meters away from me and the other dude.
* **for me**: "You are dead" :)
* **for him**: He eventually woke up, he got out of the car and got teleported once again to the initial spot and could kill the dude.
After a while I managed to get back to Stady. The car had not moved in the meantime. I drove the car a little bit and noticed that the gearbox was stuck in second gear then we got teleported (the car and I) to the initial spot again (at Stary). After that event, I have had no more issues with that car.