Hi, there is a small problem with vehicle Lights and the PlayerAnimation Graph.
If you check the Light behaviour, you can Enable the headlights by pressing "L" hotkey. This will play the "CMD_Light" Command on the AnimationGraph.
But: If you use the LightUserActions inside a Vehicle, the Command will not be called and no Animation will play. I already try to fix this, but the "CMD_Light" will still not triggered:
VehicleAnimationComponent vehAnimComp = VehicleAnimationComponent.Cast(pOwnerEntity.FindComponent(VehicleAnimationComponent));
if(vehAnimComp ) {
int ActionId = vehAnimComp .BindCommand("CMD_Light");
if(ActionId > 0) {
if(lightsState) {
vehAnimComp .CallCommand(ActionId , 0, 0);
} else {
vehAnimComp .CallCommand(ActionId , 0, 1);