Controls need to be a lot more responsive. If you for example look at other games, which have some sort of "pixel-movement" you will notice how much better this is. In DayZ pressing the "W, A, S, D" buttons will always result in one or more steps of the same range - no matter for how short you press the button. As an example: If you press the button for just a moment you shouldn't take a step as far as if you press it for a longer time.
I am aware that this is a simulation game but the controls as they are, are really clunky. Some Unity- or Source-Engine type controls and player movement would be really good on DayZ and I'm sure it would add a lot to gameplay!
This is the only issue I have with the game. Everything else seems really just acceptable for me. But the keyparts of the game - the controls need to be good for the game to be successful!