private ["_position", "_radius", "_expression", "_precision", "_sourcesCount"];
_position = _this select 0;
_radius = _this select 1;
_expression = _this select 2;
_precision = 7;
_sourcesCount = 1;
_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_expression,_precision,_sourcesCount];
In init.sqf
FUNKTIO_POS=compile preprocessfileLineNumbers "FindPos.sqf";
Then search places with these (try looping it e.g. with "while do"):
_st = [vehicle player,600,"(1 + trees) * (1 - sea)"] CALL FUNKTIO_POS;
_st = [vehicle player, 600,"(1 + houses) * (1 - sea)"] CALL FUNKTIO_POS;
_st = [vehicle player, 600,"(1 + trees) * (1 + houses)* (1 + hills) * (1 - sea)"] CALL FUNKTIO_POS;
Especially when moving near the ocean, the stutter seem to get worse. E.g. When near the spartan, there is heavy stutter.