Make any list of locations... for example...
myLocations = nearestLocations [getPos player,["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage","NameLocal"], 100000];
Make a marker showing the area of each of these...
_loc = _x;
_locX = (size _loc) select 0;
_locY = (size _loc) select 1;
_locDir = direction _loc;
_locRec = rectangular _loc;
_markername = "marker" + format["%1",floor(random 1000000)];
_marker = createMarker [_markername, locationPosition _loc];
if (_locRec) then {
_markername setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
} else {
_markername setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_markername setMarkerSize [_locX, _locY];
_markername setMarkerDir _locDir;
} forEach myLocations;
To do all this, you can simply paste this in the activation of a placed unit...
myLocations = nearestLocations [getPos this,["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage","NameLocal"], 100000]; { _loc = _x; _locX = (size _loc) select 0; _locY = (size _loc) select 1; _locDir = direction _loc; _locRec = rectangular _loc; _markername = "marker" + format["%1",floor(random 1000000)]; _marker = createMarker [_markername, locationPosition _loc]; if (_locRec) then { _markername setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE"; } else { _markername setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; }; _markername setMarkerSize [_locX, _locY]; _markername setMarkerDir _locDir; } forEach myLocations;
The map shows that locations have wildly varying sizes, and none have directions applied to them.