Recently I noticed that now Arma3, lost INERTIA, when working with any primary weapons, especially with heavy weapon. I think, this is a catastrophic omission for ARMA3! Now (v1.62) the player, has no feeling of the weapons weight! I don't know exact in which update it was reduced, or may be even removed, but I do remember that it was before in Arma3.
It is one of heavy hand-weapons in ARMA3.
//Heavy MG : //
//Heavy Sniper Rifle : //
When fast turning with this weapon, it has no inertia. The weapon not continues to move in the direction of rotation. It stops instantly! As seems to me, It's impossible.
The small inertia should be even with basic rifles, but in the Arma3 inertia almost imperceptible, even when working with heavy hand weapons! It's trouble to the series of ARMA. I hate to see ARMA turn into a pop shooter.
BIS. you want to make from Arma3 a new Call of Duty?
Since Operation Flashpoint, the INERTIA was present in the game. I remember that in previous versions of ARMA3, inertia was in gameplay more noticeable . The player felt the heavy weapons much better/
**BIS! Please add the inertia for all kinds of hand weapons. Especially for heavy weapons.**