= Additions for Next Update =
== Improve base building ==
- There are too many buildings you cannot fortify, even if there is nothing in the way, the game doesn't allow building.
- Create different size options for a wall, or the ability to change the width of a fence kit to build a wall.
- Give us options to have a full roof in a watchtower, if i don't want a stair there shouldn't be a hole.
- We should be able to build on hills.
- If there's anyway to add a code lock to console please PLEASE add it.
== More storage options ==
The main thing is that solos and small teams can never have a nice base bc if you find a tent you can't use it unless it's behind protected behind walls, if you want to put them in a house you can't bcbecause there is ALWAYS some kind of debris or furniture in the way to be able todenying place them downement. So first and foremost
- Gun Racks, These are already in the game files just as props. PC has been able mod them them tto be useable.le and On console, On consoleeven with the very limited modding, even with the very limited modding pplpeople have managed to spawn guns in them. So it's not too farfetched
- Gun Locker
- Gun Wall mount
- Military Crates
- Storage Lockers etc.
== More Gear Color Variants ==
We just need more color variations of gear, Black, Dark Green, and Camo for:
- Plate Carriers and pouches (Black, green, Camo)
- Tactical Helmets (black variant)
- Mountain Backpacks (Please for the love of god a black variant at leastMountain backpack)
== Review the games weight/stamina system ==
- There should be a certain threshold of weight where stamina starts to drop, Having any clothesthat must be reached for stamina to begin reducing, Having any clothes on and accessories like belt, gloves, hat and backpack shouldn't drop your stamina whatsoever, so there should either be a threshold or clothing and accessories weights shouldn't register.
- The lighter you are the faster your stamina should regenerateOr maybe make it to where the amount of weight you have determines how slow your stamina bar depletes and how fast it regenerates. When your light stamina goes down slowly and regenerates quickly, When your heavy stamina goes down quickly and regenerates slowly.
- And lastly just review the weights of some items, a piece of paper, a battery, a bandana, glasses, etc etc. Should not be weighing half a pound. A piece of paper weighing .25kg is about 60 times heavier than what an actual piece of paper weighs.
- You spend hours running around the map, You're characters endurance is unmatched he should be able to hold their breathe for longer and only start swaying when stamina is completely depleted not half way through.
== Cool idea ==
It would be cool if we were able to heal a certain percentage faster when we have our character in a resting emote, sit back would heal 50% faster and lie down would heal 200% faster.