1. Start a game with a player
2. Execute `player addBackpack "B_UGV_02_Demining_backpack_F"` to get yourself a UGV backpack
3. Execute:
if(isNil"testeh") then {
testeh = player addEventHandler ["WeaponAssembled", {call assembledfunc}]
arr = [];
assembledfunc = {
params ["_unit", "_vehicle"];
arr pushBack group _vehicle;
onEachFrame {
hintSilent (arr apply {[str _x, format["isGroupDeletedWhenEmpty=%1", isGroupDeletedWhenEmpty _x], str units _x] joinString "\n"} joinString "\n\n");
4. Assemble the UGV, observe new group and its units in the hint
5. Disassemble the UGV, observe that units were deleted but group remains
6. Repeat assembly and disassembly and observe empty groups stacking up