Run DayZ.exe from ...Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ with a form of UAC enabled from an account in the Administrators group.
(Trying a purely non-Admin account was not tested.)
After game loads, attempting to join a server results in the generic Windows message box stating that the game has stopped responding and MUST be closed (no option to wait for the program to respond).
Repeated attempts revealed the red, bottom left screen text during connection attempted to access the BattleEye service. This was not helped by pre-starting the BattleEye service.
To workaround, if DayZ_BE.exe is run, which demands Administrator access and invokes the UAC prompt, DayZ.exe is run with Administrator access, no longer handles normally with task switchers, AutoHotkey, etc., but can survive a connection to a game with no noticeable problems.