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1. Find Alkaline Battery 2. Find any of following sights: RV1 or M68 3. Attach battery to sight 4. Click "TURN ON" in down menu Red dot should be appear, but it's not working
1. Find Alkaline Battery 2. Find any of following sights: RV1 or M68 3. Attach battery to sight 4. Attach sight to weapon 5. Go to inventory, take weapon with sight attached in hands and click right mouse button 6. Click "TURN ON" in down menu Red dot should be appear, but it's not working
1. Find Alkaline Battery 2. Find any of following sights: RV1 or M68 3. Attach battery to sight 4.
Attach sight to weapon 5. Go to inventory, take weapon with sight attached in hands and click right mouse button 6.
Click "TURN ON" in down menu Red dot should be appear, but it's not working