To demonstrate that muzzles wrongly rely on the main weapon's GunParticles class - despite having a GunParticles class of their own - follow these steps:
# Add the following code to an existing addon's config.cpp (or merge it, depending on what your addon already contains):
class CfgWeapons {
class Rifle;
class Rifle_Base_F : Rifle {
class GunParticles {
class FirstEffect;
class arifle_ARX_base_F : Rifle_Base_F {
class Secondary;
class arifle_ARX_blk_F : arifle_ARX_base_F {
class Secondary : Secondary {
class GunParticles : GunParticles {
class FirstEffect : FirstEffect {
effectName = "CannonFired";
# Compile the addon and launch the game (with that addon enabled)
# Go to the Virtual Arsenal and equip the "Type 115 6. 5mm (Black)" (weapon class: "arifle_ARX_blk_F"), load a magazine in the main muzzle (6.5mm) and one in the secondary muzzle (.50 BW)
# Fire a round with each muzzle. Notice that both muzzles use the regular firing smoke effect.
# Open the config viewer and browse to:
"CfgWeapons" >> "arifle_ARX_blk_F" >> "Secondary" >> "GunParticles" >> "FirstEffect"
Notice that the "effectName" entry has been changed to "CannonFire", yet the secondary muzzle isn't using that particle effect.
(Optional additional step: change the "effectName" entry in:
"CfgWeapons" >> "arifle_ARX_blk_F" >> "GunParticles" >> "FirstEffect"
to "CannonFire", and (after a config merge/game restart) fire a round with each muzzle. Notice that both muzzles are now using that particle effect.)