I have made a video with 3 speeds.
1 walking (precise stop)
2 the default speed (1m slide)
3 sprint (2m slide)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jOYGsDookg I let go of move at the first rail.
I just feel that it is wrong to have so much forward inertia (or any at all) on the default moving speed.
This is why people fall off 1m high ledges and break their feet.
This is why people describe dayz controls as clunky.
This is one of the reasons why melee fights are bad.
IRL you have more control over your body and a better feel for it and a good idea on what you want to do.
You compensate for the inertia by shifting your center of gravity and slowing down before stopping.
IRL you have no problem stopping on a dime at reasonable speeds and reasonable traction (terrain + shoes).
For the sake of rensponsivness and good controls and gameplay, I propose that the inertia be removed from the default speed and toned down on sprint.
I made 1 more video where the goal was to take 1 step (looking at animation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOCPjZwa6UY
You end up going 2.5x the distance of that 1 step (you slide 1.5x the distance of 1 step). I think this is ridiculous.