**Load attached mission {F39854}**
# Create player unit with RPG-32
# Create any vehicle with init field:
this allowDamage false; this addEventHandler ["hitpart",{{systemChat str [_x select 2]; diag_log [_x select 2]} forEach _this; systemChat str [{_x select 10} count _this > 0]; systemChat str [{_x select 10} count _x > 0]}]
#* This will make vehicle print out object model name or <NULL-object>, and whether there was at least one direct hit or none.
# Hit vehicle with rifle round
# Hit vehicle with unguided rocket
* [tracer_red.p3d] or similar is returned for rifle round, but <NULL-object> is returned for unguided rocket
* There are no "direct" hits (true) for unguided rocket
* Valid object is returned by hitPart EH also for unguided rockets
* There should be at least one "direct" hit with unguided rocket as it hits the target