- Start a dedicated server with a headless client (HC) named `btc_hc_1`
- Start the headless
- Exec server side:
private _group = createGroup civilian;
private _player = (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F")#0;
myUnit = _group createUnit ["C_man_1", _player getPos [2, getDir _player], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_group setGroupOwner btc_hc_1;
- Then exec server side:
private _code = {
_this addEventHandler ["Suppressed", {
params ["_unit"];
str([_unit, round (_unit distance btc_hc_1)]) remoteExecCall ["systemChat", 0];
[myUnit, _code] remoteExecCall ["call", 0];
- fire next to the unit
- if the unit distance with the HC is under 5000m you will see a message like this:
- Try again but with unit/HC distance around 6000m, the event is no more fired
- If you go back the event is fire again