0. Create myClass in rscTitles, add onUnload to myClass
1. ("myClass" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["myClass","PLAIN"];
2. Execute the code from step 1 again, onUnload is not called (onLoad called twice at this point) <<<--- BUG HERE
1. ("myClass" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["myClass","PLAIN"];
2. ("myClass" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["","PLAIN"]; - layer removed (please read Killzone_Kid's comment about cutText here - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cutRsc ), but onUnload is not called <<<--- BUG HERE
1. ("myClass" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["myClass","PLAIN"];
2. ("myClass" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["Default","PLAIN"]; - layer removed, but onUnload is not called <<<--- BUG HERE