Playing Livonia, many times happens when I try to put item inside crate in my base, Im unable to put it in certain slots, or Im unable to put it inside if I dont but it inbefore in my hands, or Im not unable to put it inside crate at all, no matter what I tryHappens all the time. It is annyoingSomething keeps preventing putting items in certain slots of inventory like crates, life taking struggletreasure box, when you have stove what you want to hide before server restart inside crate but you are unable to put it inside any of your 10 crates no matter what you tryetc. It is happening with randomSometimes you cant take items out, no matter whasometimes you cant put it isn some slots, item management is like cancer.sometimes it wont allow put item inside if crate is on ground but will allow you put item inside if you are holding crate in hands, It slowly kills people spiritsometimes it just wont let you put that item inside that crate no matter what. At least mine got critical hit. Relog helps only sometimes.