Arma 3, version 2.00.146773.
Upon picking up the yellow flash drive from Keystone, the error below appears and task does not update. Inserting the flash drive into a computer at CSAT sawmill Base does nothing as well.
23:22:30 Error in expression <;
private _task = ([(format["quest%1", _questId]), player] call BIS_fnc_taskRea>
23:22:31 Error position: <_questId]), player] call BIS_fnc_taskRea>
23:22:31 Error Undefined variable in expression: _questid
23:22:31 File \A3\Missions_F_Oldman\Systems\scripts\Quests\fn_setDescription.sqf [BIS_fnc_setDescription]..., line 572
23:22:31 Error in expression <if (count _property > 1) then {_property#1} else {nil}} else {nil};
23:22:31 Error position: <#1} else {nil}} else {nil};
23:22:31 Error Generic error in expression
23:22:31 File \A3\Missions_F_Oldman\Systems\scripts\Quests\fn_questData.sqf [BIS_fnc_questData]..., line 648