Step 1: have a sawed Izh43 and a Mosin in the inventory.
Step 2: take another Izh43 into hands.
Step 3: do something with hands to drop Izh43 to the floor (example grab the sawed version of the inventory) this also works climbing ladders or grabing anything.
Expected Result: Izh43 is on the floor.
Actual Result: there is nothing on the floor.
Step 4:go to another place, and take the inventory sawed Izh43 to your hands.(or save to inventory if you already have it on your hands)
Expected Result: sawed Izh43 gets into hands of inventory depending on what you did.
Actual Result: sawed Izh43 gets into hands of inventory depending on what you did, but previously lost Izh43 appears on the floor (far away where it was lost)