I'm not sure if this is normal due to the tilt tail rotor of the AH-99, but am betting since we're dealing with computerized corrected flight controls, this should not be happening at all.
Also, the game sees my Saitek X52 Pro axis as the following:
Left pedal = Saitek X52 Pro Stick Z- rotate
Right Pedal = Saitek X52 Pro Stick Z rotate
Collective raise (analogue) = Saitek X52 Pro Stick Z- axis
Collective lower (analogue) = Saitek X52 Pro Stick Z axis
Being concerned about conflicting axis or bindings, I also removed mouse bindings to ensure these were not generating unwanted axis input. However upon deactivating Helicopter Advanced flight model, the above unwanted pedal input (generated whenever the collective is used) ceased to occur! For the time being I've switched Advanced flight model off, however I can nolonger see any of the gauges. This bug occurs even with all options within the Advanced flight model set to generic options.