Also it was noticed with the events HandleDamage. With other eventHandler it was not tested.
I would like to know whether this is an idea or not? Will this be fixed, can this be used to add a killer by using ``` _unit setDamage 1```
// The first-ever event
_unit addEventHandler ["Killed", {
params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator"];
if (_unit isEqualTo _killer && _unit isEqualTo _instigator) then {
_this set [1, _unit getVariable ["killer", _this # 1]];
_this set [2, _unit getVariable ["instigator", _this # 2]];
_this set [2, _unit getVariable ["instigator", _this # 2]];};
``` sqf
// fnc_DeadUnit
params [["_unit", objNull, [objNull]], ["_killer", objNull, [onjNull]], ["_insigator", objNull, [objNull]]];
_unit setVariable ["Killer", _killer];
_unit setVariable ["Insigator", _insigator];
_unit setDamage 1;