While it is questionable to use a function invoke to assign a variable on class creation. It's working so let's assume that valid for now.
This does create a compile error when used in the setup below.
class TestBaseClass
private string m_BaseVariable = m_BaseFnc();
private string m_BaseFnc()
return "Hello World";
void Hello()
class TestSubClass: TestBaseClass
private void SomeFunctionInSubClass()
override void Hello()
SomeFunctionInSubClass(); //ERROR ON THIS LINE -> Should be visible since it is within the same class but it is not.
Compile error
Can't compile "Mission" script module!
myScript.c(23): Method 'SomeFunctionInSubClass' is private
Either you do not allow the base class to even compile, or you lookup why the subclass is behaving this way. It's a stupid code example ... but there is a bug / missing implementation regardless