See Additional Information for premise and background.
The request is to add a faction exclusively for trolls/disruptors. This should be part of a suite of tools to remove, contain, and deter disruptions to gameplay on GM servers.
**Faction creation**
The faction will be automatically created upon start of Game Master game mode.
**Faction deletion**
The faction cannot be deleted. Its constant presence will deter players from disrupting gameplay.
**Faction membership**
Players are automatically added to this faction once designated by GMs in the player list. They cannot join or be added to the faction through other means. Players are automatically removed from the faction in two ways: there are no more GMs on the server, or the GM(s) remove their designation in the player list. Upon removal from the faction, players return to the spawn menu where they can choose any of the other available factions.
**Faction assets**
There are only two assets available for the faction:
- a prisoner uniform
- a system-type containment object, which is a sealed, opaque, soundproof structure that has a room for the GM to teleport an avatar to for prisoner communication, and a room for all the prisoners, separated by an invisible and sound-permeable barrier
The containment object is not created on faction creation and the GM has to create and position it.
**Faction spawning**
Players can only spawn in the system-type containment object upon joining the faction. This prevents them from physically disrupting other factions. If the containment object is not set by the GM, then players of the faction cannot spawn and will remain in the map screen. Upon spawning, all faction players will be equipped with only the prisoner's uniform.
**Faction permissions**
Players added to the faction will be automatically voice and text chat-blocked by members of other factions. This prevents further disruption of gameplay by distracting other players through voice and text. They can only verbally communicate with the GM through proximity chat. This motivates faction players to spawn in the containment object so that they can talk to the GM and get their designation removed. If they choose to be defiant and uncooperative then the GM can simply teleport out of the containment area and ignore the faction players. Faction players cannot be directly teleported by the GM, but will displace with the containment object if it is moved.