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1. Load up editor. 2. Make Virtual Reality map. Create squad with player as leader. Anywhere South of player squad create enemy squad. Enemies will be called out in reverse order. Even just facing South, order a soldier to move to a point that is ahead of you, the direction will be called out as "back".
1. Load up editor. 2. Make Virtual Reality map. Create squad with player as leader. Anywhere South of player squad create enemy squad. Enemies positions will be called out inversely with giving relative driections. Even just facing South, order a soldier to move to a point that is ahead of you, the direction will be called out as "back".
1. Load up editor. 2. Make Virtual Reality map. Create squad with player as leader. Anywhere South of player squad create enemy squad. Enemies
will be called out
in reverse order
inversely with giving relative driections
. Even just facing South, order a soldier to move to a point that is ahead of you, the direction will be called out as "back".