The following config should increase the range of the weapon flashlight, but it results in a fairly dim light.
class CfgWeapons {
class ItemCore;
class InventoryFlashlightItem_Base_F;
class acc_flashlight: ItemCore {
class ItemInfo: InventoryFlashlightItem_Base_F {
class Flashlight {
class Attenuation {
constant = 0;
linear = 0.001;
quadratic = 0;
start = 1;
hardLimitStart = 1000;
hardLimitEnd = 1000;
The expected flashlight can be attached to the player using this code:
private _cfg = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "acc_flashlight" >> "ItemInfo" >> "Flashlight";
private _light = "#lightreflector" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];
_light attachTo [player, [0, 0, 0], "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\weapon.001", true];
_light setLightIntensity getNumber (_cfg >> "intensity");
_light setLightColor (getArray (_cfg >> "color") select [0, 3]);
_light setLightAmbient (getArray (_cfg >> "ambient") select [0, 3]);
_light setLightConePars [
getNumber (_cfg >> "outerAngle"),
getNumber (_cfg >> "innerAngle"),
getNumber (_cfg >> "coneFadeCoef")
_light setLightAttenuation [
getNumber (_cfg >> "Attenuation" >> "start"),
getNumber (_cfg >> "Attenuation" >> "constant"),
getNumber (_cfg >> "Attenuation" >> "linear"),
getNumber (_cfg >> "Attenuation" >> "quadratic"),
getNumber (_cfg >> "Attenuation" >> "hardLimitStart"),
getNumber (_cfg >> "Attenuation" >> "hardLimitEnd")