The new insideBuilding has been needed for a very long time! Great addition! Unfortunately, it returns 0 also when "Inside the building enevelope", but on external surfaces such as a rooftop.
I'd like to suggest to expand that function, or add new ones with the following purpose:
Being able recognize whether a
- INPUT: a person or position
- inside a room
- on a balcony or on a rooftop
- on a ladder
object inOrOnBuilding -> [int whereAmI, {optional: which ladder from building cfg}]
whereAmI: 0 = outside, 1 = inside room, 2= onbalcony/rooftop, 3= on ladder
Such a function(s) would be very helpful for pathfinding to discern whether building paths need be used, ladder actions, or unit uses outside pathfinding with eventhandler.