Run this: Dependency on CBA
The function in the state when it is causing the issue:
* Author: [Zorn]
* Function to apply the Particle Effects - Handles creation, deletion and adjustment of intensity of particlespawners on each client locally.
* Intensity will be regulated simply by dropInterval (The bigger the number, the less particles)
* If the same Effect has already been called, it will instead adjust the already existing PE spawner.
* If _intensityTarget == 0, the function will ether exit in case the spawner doesnt exist already or transition the spawner to 0 intensity and afterwards, the spawner will be deleted.
* Arguments:
* 0: _EffectName <STRING> CfgCloudlet Classname of the desired Particle Effect.
* 1: _intensityTarget <Number> 0..1 Intensity of Effect with 1 having the strongest Effect.
* 2: _duration <Number> in seconds. Defines the Duration of the Transition.
* Return Value:
* none - intended to be remoteExecCall -> returns JIP Handle
* Note:
* Example:
* ["CVO_PE_Leafes", 600, 0.75] remoteExecCall ["cvo_storm_fnc_particle_remote",0, _jip_handle_string];
* ["CVO_PE_Leafes", 600] remoteExecCall ["cvo_storm_fnc_particle_remote",0, _jip_handle_string];
* ["CLEANUP"] remoteExecCall ["cvo_storm_fnc_particle_remote",0, _jip_handle_string];
* ["CVO_PE_Leafes"] call cvo_storm_fnc_particle_remote
* ["CLEANUP"] call cvo_storm_fnc_particle_remote
* Public: No
#define COEF_SPEED 5
#define COEF_WIND 0.2
#define PFEH_INTENSITY_DELAY 4 // _duration / PFEH_INTENSITY_DELAY == _delay
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
params [
["_effectName", "", [""]],
["_duration", 300, [0]],
["_intensityTarget", 0, [0]]
if ( _effectName isEqualTo "CLEANUP") exitWith {
if ( missionNamespace getVariable ["CVO_Debug", false] ) then { CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array deleteAt 0;};
[_x#1] call cvo_storm_fnc_particle_remote;
} forEach CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array;
if ( _effectName isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
if (_intensityTarget < 0 ) exitWith {};
if (_duration isEqualTo 0) exitWith {};
if (isNil "CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array") then {
CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array = [];
// Adds Debug_Helper Object (arrow)
if (missionNamespace getVariable ["CVO_Debug", false]) then {
_helper = createVehicleLocal [ "Sign_Arrow_Large_F", [0,0,0] ];
CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array pushback [_helper, "Debug_Helper"];
// Start pfEH to re-attach all Particle Spawners according to player speed & wind.
// watch CVO_particle_isActive, if inactive, delete particle spawners and pfEH
private _codeToRun = {
//_SpeedVector vectorDiff _windVector
private _player = vehicle ace_player;
private _relPosArray = (( velocityModelSpace _player ) vectorMultiply COEF_SPEED) vectorDiff (( _player vectorWorldToModel wind ) vectorMultiply COEF_WIND);
_relPosArray set [2, (_relPosArray#2) + 1 ];
{ _x attachTo [_player, _relPosArray]; } forEach CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array;
private _exitCode = {
diag_log "reAttach pfEH Exit";
{ deleteVehicle _x } forEach CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array;
CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array = nil;
private _condition = { ( missionNameSpace getVariable ["CVO_particle_isActive", false] ) || ( count CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array > 0 ) };
private _delay = PFEH_ATTACH_DELAY;
params ["_args", "_handle"];
_args params ["_codeToRun", "_exitCode", "_condition"];
if ([] call _condition) then {
[] call _codeToRun;
} else {
_handle call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
[] call _exitCode;
}, _delay, [_codeToRun, _exitCode, _condition]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Defines custom Variablename as String
// missionNameSpace has only lowercase letters
private _spawnerName = toLower (["CVO_Storm_Particle_",_effectName,"_particlesource"] joinString "");
// Check if a spawner of that type already exists,
// if not, create, setParticleClass, store as array [_obj,_name,_intensity] and add it to the array.
// if already exists, take previous intensity and set as start inensity.
private _intensityStart = 0;
private "_spawner";
private _index = CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array findIf { _x#1 isEqualTo _spawnerName };
private _dropIntervalStart = DROP_INTERVAL_MIN;
private _dropIntervalMax = ([_effectName] call BIS_fnc_getCloudletParams) select 2; // #0 setParticleParams, #1 setParticleRandom, #2 setDropInterval
private _dropIntervalTarget = linearConversion [0, 1, _intensityTarget, _dropIntervalStart, _dropIntervalMax, true];
if (_index == -1) then {
_spawner = createVehicleLocal ["#particlesource", [0,0,0]];
_spawner setParticleClass _effectName;
CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array pushback [_spawner,_spawnerName, _intensityTarget ];
} else {
_spawnerArray = CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array select _index;
_spawner = _spawnerArray#0;
_intensityStart = _spawnerArray#2;
_dropIntervalStart = linearConversion [0, 1, _intensityTarget, DROP_INTERVAL_MIN, _dropIntervalMax, true];
///////////// Particle Intensity will simply be adjusted over time via setDropInterval /////////////
///////////// Maybe in Future, Intensity could be applied via colorAlpha, Size, ... /////////////
///////////// Problem: bad solution solution for non-dust-like particles like leafes /////////////
///////////// Therefore, for now, particle quantitiy has been chosen as the regulator /////////////
private _startTime = time;
private _endTime = _startTime + _duration;
//// params inside the pfEH
private _parameters = [ _spawner, _startTime, _endTime, _dropIntervalStart, _dropIntervalTarget, _intensityTarget ];
private _codeToRun = {
params [ "_spawner", "_startTime", "_endTime", "_dropIntervalStart", "_dropIntervalTarget", "_intensityTarget" ];
_drop = linearConversion [ _startTime, _endTime, time, _dropIntervalStart, _dropIntervalTarget ];
_spawner setDropInterval _drop;
private _exitCode = {
params [ "_spawner", "_startTime", "_endTime", "_dropIntervalStart", "_dropIntervalTarget", "_intensityTarget" ];
diag_log "Transition pfEH Exit";
_spawner setDropInterval _dropIntervalTarget;
if ( _intensityTarget isEqualTo 0) then {
diag_log "Transition pfEH Exit - Intensity == 0 -> Spawner Deleted";
CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array = CVO_Storm_Local_PE_Spawner_array - [_spawner];
deleteVehicle _spawner;
private _condition = { _this#2 >= time };
private _delay = _duration / PFEH_INTENSITY_DELAY;
params ["_args", "_handle"];
_args params ["_codeToRun", "_parameters", "_exitCode", "_condition"];
if (_parameters call _condition) then {
_parameters call _codeToRun;
} else {
_handle call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
_parameters call _exitCode;
}, _delay, [_codeToRun, _parameters, _exitCode, _condition]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
////// TODO: _spawner objects dont have the setVariables during testing?
////// Therefore, Cleanup and "adjust existing PE doesnt work yet