Current Content BuildID: 2205381
I left my character in this server called:
DayZ UK 2-17 (Public/Veteran) - Hosted by
Shared: Public
Mode 1st/3rd Person
Character alive: character1
BattleEye: On
IP: 108.61:230.120:2302
I should be in a building in an unaccessible room bottom floor - where the top floor is accessible. I'm wearing a red armband and am reasonably geared. If I could be put back upstairs that would be a huge help (there are zombies pretty close to the area + I like to be safe)
My shoes got completely ruined trying to manually escape... I'd appreciate if they could be repaired if that's possible... there's no way I have everything prestine apart from my shoes lol :P - btw I took them off and placed them in my inventory last time I was on. I thought I'd be able to stand if I did that.
Last edit: and if you're feeling extra generous... I was on "brown stuffed"... if I'm able to get that back or a can of peaches because I'm new and don't know where any apple trees are. I got the morphine for the bone stat was a result of the bug... I dunno if that could be fixed either but I can use one of those if not.