(Please read additional information before.)
1. Install AllInArmaTerrainPack (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26682) and SMD Sahrani A3 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27437).
2. Host new multiplayer session. Load and start test mission (mission included).
3. Press 'Esc' and switch to camera. Set speed to 1.
4. Fly low above the road to Corazol (holding Shift key).
5. Fly through Corazol above the road from east to west and out of the city.
6. Stop camera mode. Abort the mission.
7. Select another island (Altis) in 'choose mission' window.
8. Select "Start 2D editor..." and start editor on Altis.
9. Exit editor without saving.
10. Switch back to SMD Sahrani A3 island to test mission and try to reproduce again from step 2. The error already must occur.
The error may occur when:
1. You fly through Corazol (step 5).
2. You switch to another island (step 7).
3. You switch back to test mission (step 10).