On the BIS wiki an example for a method to use the BIS_fnc_PIP function is as follows
["rendertarget0",_myCamera] call BIS_fnc_PIP;
I created a camera "cam" and upon calling the script I receive a division by zero error on line 79 of the function.
line 79 and context looks like this.
#70 //--- Force terminate
# 71 if (count _input <= 1) exitwith {
# 72 ([] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext ["","plain"];
# 73 _params = missionnamespace getvariable ( _renderTarget);
# 74 if !(isnil "_params") then {
# 75 _heli = _params select 0;
# 76 _camera = _params select 1;
# 77 _actions = _params select 2;
# 78
# 79 **removeMissionEventHandler ["Loaded", _actions select 2];**
# _camera cameraeffect ["terminate","back"];
# camdestroy _camera;
# missionnamespace setvariable [ _renderTarget,nil];
# };
# objnull
# };
# ```
Personally, and I really have no idea what I'm talking about i think that it should read either _params select 2 or actions select 0 because I'm pretty sure there is no 3rd element in _actions but please correct me if I'm wrong