I have recently upgraded mu gpu to a msi gtx750 ti and it used to fine other games work perfectly to but I just can't play dayz like this I 300+ hours in this game and it rarely crashed until 0.50 hit the stable branch I haven't been able to play for than an hour without the game crashing
I lost 2 fully geared characters because of this I had a akm with 2 75rnd drum mags that I acquired by killing some hacker scumbag and a few days later while playing with some friend my game crashed tk desktop with the imfamous dayz stopped working message and then my character just walked of the edge of the building (according to my friend a message popped up saying the I was losing connection wich Is probably a response to my game crashing)
The other time this happend me and a friend were walking around cherno and my game crashed (dayz stopped working) while in game my character started sprinting through building until he finally sat down and (my friend told me the massage (ingame name) got kicked op the game due cliend not responding
i will also include my dxdiag file now