Many values for initspeed and airfriction were changed to unrealistic and nonsensical values.
Just two examples:
.308 Winchester:
initSpeed changed to 860 from 820, airfriction changed to -0.00018 from -0.001006. The new initspeed/typicalspeed is okay (nominal muzzle velocity in 22" test barrel is approximately 853 m/s), but the new airFriction is ridiculous. The standard 143-149 grain FMJ bullets have a G7 ballistic coefficient of approximately 0.200. At initSpeed of about 853 m/s this requires an airFriction of approximately -0.001. The old value was correct. The new value of -0.00018 results in a G7 BC of approximately 1.00, that is five times higher than realistic.
What .308 Winchester (7.62 NATO) should look like, approximately:
initSpeed = 853 (for standard 22" test barrel)
airFriction = -0.00101
5.56x45 NATO:
initSpeed changed to 960 m/s from 884, airFriction changed to -0.00024 from -0.00129. The new initSpeed is better than the old one but in my opinion it's on the high side. It's appropriate for the US Army's high-pressure M855A1, but there are multiple countries or sources of weapons represented in the game and the M855A1 was not adopted until late 2017 anyways, so regular green tip M855/SS109 is a better choice. SS109 should have initSpeed/typicalSpeed of 940 m/s. That's a very typical velocity from a standard 20" barrel. The new airFriction -0.00024 is ridiculous. It's about 5 times too low! The 62 grain SS109-type projectiles have a G7 balllistic coefficient of approximately 0.155-0.160. To represent this in DayZ, you need an airFriction of at least -0.0012.
What 5.56x45 should look like, approximately:
initSpeed = 940 (for standard 20" test barrel)
airFriction = -0.00124
I only gave examples of two projectile types that have the wrong values applied, but right now, not even a single projectile has an appropriate airFriction.