1. Spawn a simple object with createSimpleObject by using the 3D model pathCreate a simpleobject using a weapon model using:
WEAPON_SIMPLEOBJECT = createSimpleObject [getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "arifle_MX_F" >> "model"), [0, 0, 0]];
2. Confirm the list of selections:
Returns a list of selections:
3. Try to retrieve a location of any of the selections that are confirmed in the step 2
WEAPON_SIMPLEOBJECT selectionPosition "trigger";
WEAPON_SIMPLEOBJECT selectionPosition "magazine";
WEAPON_SIMPLEOBJECT selectionPosition "proxy:\a3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\side.001";
2. Run selectionNames on it to find the selection names of the model in the default LOD and Geometry / Memory / FireGeometry```
3. Run selectionPosition on selection names from the default LODReturns [0,0,0] for each of the above
**Expected outcome**
4. Notice howReturns they return [0,0,0] making actual position of the relevant information inaccessibleselection in model space