Current Content BuildID: 2205381
I left my character in this server called:
DayZ UK 2-17 (Public/Veteran) - Hosted by
Shared: Public
Mode 1st/3rd Person
Character alive: character1
BattleEye: On
IP: 108.61:230.120:2302
I should be in a building in an unaccessible room bottom floor - where the top floor is accessible. I'm wearing a red armband and am reasonably geared. If I could be put back upstairs that would be a huge help (there are zombies pretty close to the area + I like to be safe)
My shoes got completely ruined trying to manually escape... I'd appreciate if they could be repaired if that's possible... there's no way I have everything prestine apart from my shoes lol :P - btw I took them off and placed them in my inventory last time I was on. I thought I'd be able to stand if I did that.
Last edit: and if you're feeling extra generous... I was on "brown stuffed"... if I'm able to get that back or a can of peaches because I'm new and don't know where any apple trees are. I got the morphine for the bone stat was a result of the bug... I dunno if that could be fixed as well but I can use one of those if not.
I talked with someone on steam who said my character might be moved across the map also... please do not put my far from Tisy (where I'm pretty close to)... it took a very long time to get this far going solo.