I am a newbie, went to DE 1206 server (I'm from UA, I have a ping ~50-80, but here it's not about ping), BI servers are very often terrible lag. On this server it can lag at random times (although usually randomly more often late afternoon and evening), both at online 10-15 people and at online 35+. I do not know what the reason is. At 15-20 online I can not drive the car even at a speed > 10km.h, it's nonsense, it's absurd! The car visually falls under the ground, flies up into the sky. Players just teleport, what PVP can we even talk about. Yes, to be fair, so strong lags do not always happen, but too often and every day! Which greatly spoils the overall impression of the game and nullifies its atmosphere and other advantages.
It is so frustrating that there are no words to describe the depth of my disappointment, how unacceptable it is for such a large-scale and promising game, which is so many years old, and in which it is critical to avoid critical bugs because the game is very hardcore and for mining loot player spends a huge amount of real life time. And to lose it because of critical bugs time 5 minutes. This - unacceptable!
I am deeply disappointed that the team for the whole 10 years of such a beautiful and promising game and the idea itself still have not fixed such fundamental bugs. I don't understand what it is: laziness, negligence or just a desire to do only what brings profit for the company and not even move a finger in the direction of improving the game or I don't know what the reason is. Maybe I'm exaggerating and I'm wrongly slandering the developers? Okay, but what are we talking about when in one of the next evenings I restarted the server near the gate of someone else's base and the server was overloaded (red icon) and at such times it turns out the gate after the relog is loaded much later and you can have time to loot someone else's nearest crates in the gate, I took out a bunch of grenades without spending a single round of ammunition or explosives.... And this is the official server of a game that has been in development for 10 years - ~10 years Carl! I'm so ashamed of this bug that I just don't have words that such an important part could not be fixed for 10 years. Shame.
Yes, this criticism is not only for lags, perhaps a little overly aggressive, but accumulated at once for all together, decided to write it here. I think it's deserved. This is my first post. Because the idea of the game - beautiful, the atmosphere of the game - beautiful, pulls you in better than the hardest drugs. Realization and fix bugs and lags for 10 years - a complete suck. For cheaters who can loot through the walls here I will not say anything. Because partly this is not your problem, the problem of cheating - a widespread phenomenon. But with this in any case can and should be fought, you can limit the range of visibility of players / loot as it is done by other adequate developers! And fix the ability to loot through textures/walls. This is such an important part of the game that it's super stupid and unacceptable to have such bugs! So that a player mining progress for 7 days of real life can lose everything in 30 minutes...
Feedback from a player who has played ~250 hours. Your game is perfect for the 100-500 hour range. So far you're enjoying and getting a kick out of the cool survival atmosphere. Further after meeting with cheaters, critical bugs and teleporting lagging cars and players - the best solution to delete the game to save nerves and time, as well as write a review to the developers that they have a lot of work to fix. So that they do not forget about it. (But you yourself for 10 years can not see that under your nose turns out to be such critical errors, right? A normal player for 200 hours of play was able to notice and you can not? I'll tell you the secret of how to find them - go to youtube.com or google and type "dayz bug/glitch" and you will discover a lot of "new"!?). Again, I apologize for the aggressiveness, but softer words can not express the depth of my indignation. Also, I apologize for the number of characters.
UPD: I forgot to add, when I drive any car to my house, which stands on an empty clearing near the forest, I have a server hangs, the car crashes and I am kicked in 10 out of 10 cases.. (Single house with 1 barn around it, house lots of barrels and crates and only 2 fences)
Just now again, I drove away from the house to cut down some trees and quickly bring them with a truck. And when I got to the house, I always slow down, but still I got kicked and crashed into a barn, the screen went black as if I almost passed out. The hood's broken again, which I fixed 20 minutes ago... All the fun is that I'm only 300-600 meters away from home and this bug with the kick repeats endlessly....
Apparently for another 100-200 meters from home the server kicking me and the car continues to drive itself by inertia ... And I usually completely brake for 50-100 meters, so I often crashed...
UPD2: Also just can't help but add that the game has one of the worst systems of interaction with objects in terms of building or repairing cars. In the sense that when you build a base you have to constantly spend time to find an invisible pixel, sometimes it appears in the textures of the house and it is impossible to notice and you spend a lot of time on it, especially if you are a beginner, it's terrible. Same with cars, to pour water into the radiator or open/close doors you have to search for pixels for a long time.
Need some more adequate system of visualization of objects to clearly see where you need to point the mouse, that is, that these pixels are highlighted, as is done for example when building houses in the game rust. This is terribly annoying, and also takes away precious time, which on this genre of games goes and so too much, and in some cases points of visualization is impossible to notice because they are stuck in the texture.
That's about it. Of the most basic disadvantages that hurt me the most.
UPD3: 11.08.2024 00:30 - It's finally over!
Developers are idiots! Permanent problems due to lags and bugs!
I decided to collect all the loot, loaded into the truck ALL the loot from the house, it's a lot, 4 barrels, crates and all 600 slots full of crates with loot. On the way to the new place of the house I was once again kicked by the server, because of which I once again lost consciousness, as soon as I regained consciousness on me within 20 seconds came a chemical charge... Jesus. I tried to get away as fast as I could, but I didn't make it in time and got poisoned. I drove into the woods so they wouldn't find the truck and I died. Miraculously no one found the truck, I went on, did other things, a long time passed, I sat down to play again, drove the truck to the place where I originally planned to go, but did not go 10 meters as consciously crashed into a Christmas tree, I had already passed a hundred of such trees through, because small bushes and trees have collision collision collision disabled, but maybe because everything seems smaller in the truck I didn't notice that the tree was just a little bit higher than the one I could drive through and I hit it, the truck was already badly damaged and after that impact it was completely destroyed.
My mistake was to run further to the old house to pick up the car, while I was looking for a new radiator I realized that I had made a mistake and that all the crates and barrels from the truck should probably be thrown on the ground in case they went missing. But I was confused by the fact that although the body of the truck was glowing red, the engine was glowing yellow (as if it could be repaired), I guess that's what I hoped that the truck could still be repaired.
When I arrived at this place, the truck was no longer standing, there were a few boxes lying on the floor, which I threw down - ALL THE OTHER THINGS WENT DOWN WITH THE TRUCK (by the way, interesting fact, I found where this truck appeared, very close to my old place at home, that's what made me think that maybe my truck will go down).
* Either remove the collision from all trees that produce small firewood instead of logs, or give collision to all Christmas trees and other small trees! Because this is very confusing and confusing for players! Small 3 cm stumps have collision and because of them you can completely destroy the car in 5 seconds and through a meter tree you can drive safely....
* Before respawning the car drop all the loot from the car on the ground or increase the time of despawning to 4-8 hours! And for the truck to all 16 hours!!!
The funny thing is. The day before I had a truck 2 times dropped to the ground all the items from two of the same barrels. I first thought that it did some player, but when I went to the very end of the map in a dense forest and there things also fell out, I realized that it is not players, and a stupid bug.
Before going to bed, I had to manually dump all the loot out of the barrels and put them on the ground....
That is, at any arbitrary point in time, all the loot from the barrels can JUST fall to the ground, but when such a strategically important mode of transportation as a truck is destroyed, and when it is completely filled to the brim with loot - the loot is not dropped. WHY? Well, or at least delay the time of despavnah loot for 2-4 hours. WHY CAN AN ALMOST COMPLETELY WRECKED EMPTY CAR LIE ON THE STREET AND NOT DISAPPEAR FOR WEEKS, WHILE A WRECKED TRUCK FULLY LOADED WITH LOOT, ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MODES OF TRANSPORTATION IN THE GAME, DISAPPEARS IN AN HOUR? YOU IDIOTS! YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!
I hate you guys so much for these stupid bugs. All, absolutely all the pluses of your game are FULLY canceled out by stupid bugs and lags! I think that your game does not deserve even one tenth of the current online!