I've been having an issue where if I hold right-click to ready fists/weapon, when I left-click, nothing happens. Work-around I found is if I tap right-click, and than spam left I can get melee spam to work. Or if I quick tap right-click with a weapon to ADS, than I can shoot. Its almost like theres something wrong where you cant hold both buttons at same time for combat. However left-click works fine in everything else as far as interacting, or managing inventory.
I tried my controller, it was the same issue with triggers for combat (fists/weapon). However I found a firmware update was available, and now the controller works fine, but the issue continues to persist with keyboard and mouse.
Already tried swapping servers, & re-installing the game, issue persists.
**Edit: i hooked the corsair keyboard & mouse up to my PC, updated firmware. Hooked up to Xbox Series X, and issue continues to persist.