Hello, I would like to request a feature :)
Currently in DayZ, when you take an item from your inventory and place it into your hands, the only way to return that item back to it's original location is to open your inventory and double click the item (or drag it back to where it was) it would be great if there were a keybind added that allowed you to return the item without having to open your inventory, similar to the current 'drop item' function we have by holding G, that drops an item in your hands directly onto the floor without the use of the inventory.
While the hotbar allows you to do this already, it can only be used by items on the hotbar, which will be occupied by important items such as your guns and bandages, so you still have to constantly open your inventory when you want to unequip trivial items such as a lockpick, magazines, food/drink, binoculars etc.
What I am suggesting is an overall keybind that does this function instead of 123456789 keys, also worth noting that this DOES NOT invalidate the hotbar, because it would still be extremely helpful for equipping items quickly.
Thank you for your consideration.