**Feedback about Tanoa**
**Grid 077 115 && 108 099** (maybe all these structures on the map)
Concrete bridge give damages when passing on (with SUV at least)
**Grid 084 122**
on the dirt road, between the forest and the main road, there is a hole in the ground that make vehicles take off
**Aeroport de Tanoa **
"Départs" AND "Arrivées" corridor, when you come from the airstrip and go to the road
at the end of the corridor, you can't go right immediately, there is an invisible wall.
**GRID 069 071**
East wall of the hangar, right door when you're in the hangar watching east
it's possible to clip thought the door without opening it when forcing (a lot)
**075 087 - 076 087 - 076 088**
Electric lines with lines going in a third direction
destroying a pillar make the main line collapse, but the 3rd direction line keep flying.
**058 105**
Ads on the blue building
It seems that there are multiple layers of ads that clip through each other. Consider walking away, up to 150 meters in order to see them clip.
**057 108**
Vegetation in the water
players are blocked by some very thin roots. The should maybe not be simulated.