- **The outcome in both sets of steps is the same regardless of the player starting in/out of a vehicle. I started outside to better illustrate the issues.**
- **I ran this test on a 100% vanilla local server to avoid my earlier mistake (see additional info and my comment to Geez below after he pushed for internal testing)**
**Repro steps Issue 1:**
1) Start outside a vehicle with the HUD visible.
2) Disable the HUD using the assigned key binding (default long press tilde).
3) The HUD on both the left/right goes away.
4) Enter the vehicle
Main Issue 1:5) The Vehicle HUD displays in the left-hand corner **(problem)**
1) Disable the HUD with the tilde key6) Exit vehicle
2) Put an item7) A partial HUD (stamina bar and noise indicator) is now in your handlower left corner **(problem)**
3) The item in your hand displays in the lower left hand corner **(problem)**8) The partial HUD will only go away if the tilde is long pressed twice in a row OR if the Esc key is hit twice to open close the options menu.
**Repro steps Issue 2:**
1) Disable HUD1) Start outside a vehicle with tilde keyhe HUD visible.
2) Enter vehicle2) Disable the HUD using the Game Options menu (By default, press Esc and go to Options>Game and set "Show HUD" to "Disabled").
3) Vehicl3) The HUD still displays as do interactions **(problem)**
Issue 3:on both the left/right goes away.
4) Enter the vehicle
1) Disab5) The Vehicle HUD in game optionsdisplays in the left-hand corner **(problem)**
2) Issue (1) no longer presents BUT user cannot easily check player vitals (See description)6) Exit vehicle
3) Now enter any vehicle7) A partial HUD (stamina bar and noise indicator) is now in lower left corner **(problem)**
4) Vehicle HUD still displays but interactions do not **(problem)** i) The default key binding (long press tilde) has no effect.
4) Exit vehicle, partial HUD is now in lower left corner **(problem)**
5) To fix, change and apply any option in the game options menu and hit apply (i.e. toggle crosshair/QB/server mgs, etc). This includes enabling the HUD, but you then have to disable and apply (i.e. enable, apply, then disable apply to keep HUD off).
**See video for other issue8) The partial HUD will only go away if a change is made to options and then applied.
i) This can be any game/audio/video/control option as long as Apply is selected and does not have to involve the HUD.
**See video for more details.**