For example, line 17 of `refreshMainWindow.sqf` is:
_total = 0;
_type = _x;
_total = _total + (_x getVariable format ["BIS_SUPP_limit_%1", _type])
} forEach _requesterModules;
player setVariable [format ["BIS_SUPP_limit_%1_total", _type], _total]
} forEach [
when one creates the "SupportRequester" module, they also have to define all of these variables, otherwise the function will throw an error.
We can use the alternative syntax of `getVariable` to fix this issue.
For example, the issues with the above case can be fixed using this regex:
getVariable *([^[ ](.(?!getVariable))*BIS_SUPP_limit.*?(((?<!\[)"(?!,))|(\])))
getVariable \[\1, 0\]
this regex can also account for most cases of `getVariable format ...`